
T: +39 010 5761161
F: +39 010 5958708
aoh: +39 335 5207436 / +39 347 5270274
Languages: Italian,English, Spanish.
On 1st January 2008 Pietro Ghiglino became partner of the firm.
Pietro is a lawyer admitted to Italian Courts and he qualified in 2004. He was awarded with the “Clorinde Iovine Prize” by the Law Society for the Genoa District of Court of Appeal, being the youngest qualified lawyer in his session
Principal areas of practice:
Practice includes litigation; commercial, including international disputes, insurance, maritime and employment disputes.
Significant expertise:
- Personal injury claims especially related to carriage at sea in domestic carriage;
- Investigations of wet shipping cases, salvage, collision at sea and dealings with Maritime Authority;
- General shipping and commercial litigation; recovery of claims by tracing assets and enforcement of judgements;
- Ship finance contracts and related matters;
- Maritime Agency and forwarding agent matters;
- Italian yachting laws, including the recent reform of the Laws of pleasure yachts (Codice del Diporto);
Pietro attended Socrates program on 1999/00 at CEU San Pablo University in Valencia (Spain). He has been a member of AIGA (Italian association for young lawyers) since October 2004. Moreover he has attended a number of conferences on fiscal aspects relating to pleasure yachts.
He is now qualified as “Mediator”, having attended the “Professional training course for mediators”, organized by Bridge Mediation Italia, held in Genoa on 15th, 16th, 28th, 29th, 30th October 2010.
“Il reclamo alle Compagnie armatoriali per i danni a persone o cose“
“Claim to Shipping companies for injury to persons and things” the article that Pietro Ghiglino wrote recently on the special issue – Costa Concordia the “case” – published on the specialized review Diritto e Trasporti.